Due to the size, nature, and staffing of the Salem Public Library, the library should not and cannot, act as a museum or research facility. The library does accept gifts of books, pamphlets, periodicals, and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the library collection when and if needed.
1. The Salem Public Library Board of Trustees shall have the right to accept or refuse all donations to the library, including books, periodicals, recordings, etc. The Library Board would evaluate special or unusual items (furnishings, paintings, and personal collections).
2. Materials received will become the property of the Salem Public Library.
3. All books and materials are accepted with the understanding that the library reserves the right to make such disposition as is fitting of duplicates and titles not needed by the library.
4. It is the policy of the library not to accept special collections on the condition that they be kept together as a separate physical entity. Material will be accepted only with the understanding that it may be integrated into the general collection.
5. When the library receives a cash gift for the purchase of materials, selection will be based primarily on the needs of the library.
6. Donors wishing a receipt for donated items are to prepare their own lists. No estimate of value or record of items will be furnished by the library. A donor of a rare item or one of unusual value should employ an appraiser for tax purposes.
7. The library reserves the right to decide the conditions of display, housing, and access to the materials.
8. When gift materials are deemed no longer useful, the library will deaccess based on its current policy.